Making a difference

Sandra Krahn

Executive Director

Sandra has over 25 years of experience working in educational organizations, including schools, universities and non-profit organizations. She started her education career as a high school science teacher. She has been a project leader in a UNESCO Associated School. Sandra has a Bachelor of Education, with a Master’s and Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies. Her research specialization is in how educational initiatives can support community peacebuilding. Sandra has experience with teacher training for human rights education in Canada, India and the Czech Republic. Her experience includes grant writing, program development and writing curriculum for community organizations.


Bea Basaran

Education Coordinator

Bea Basaran serves as the Education Coordinator for MARL. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Rights and Sociology from the University of Winnipeg. Her previous research work has been in the field of social sciences and humanities, with a focus on interdisciplinary studies exploring topics such as intersectionality, culture, immigration, and various social issues. In her role as the Education Coordinator, Bea is dedicated to advancing human rights education within the Manitoban community. Her responsibilities include designing and implementing educational programs and initiatives aimed at promoting awareness and understanding of human rights issues. Bea is deeply passionate about social justice and strives to empower individuals through education and advocacy. Her goal is to ensure that every person in Manitoba has access to essential human rights knowledge and resources, thereby fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.


Somto Obi

Community Engagement Coordinator 

Somto is a graduate with a BSc in Accounting degree. She brings her adeptness with numbers and her commitment to accurate representation to her role here at MARL. With a passion for equity, ethics, transparency and accountability, Somto ensures that MARL remains aligned with its future vision and builds a strong connection with its valued communities and their members. Community outreach, administration, accounting and finance are a few of her core responsibilities at MARL and she hopes to add value to the organization through the work that she does. 


Nicolas Dousdebes

Communications Coordinator

Nicolas Dousdebes (he/him) is a journalist, teacher and translator. He has holds two master’s degrees, in Peace and Conflicts Studies (PACS), by U of M, and International Relations by the Institute for Higher National Studies (Ecuador). His professional experience is linked to teaching and researching on Communication and Social Sciences at Salesian University in Ecuador. He has also worked as academic writing tutor (UM) and articles translator for Abya-Yala editorial house and the Canadian Museum of Human Rights. He is an experienced writer in the fields of communication studies, international relations, and peace and conflicts studies. The main human rights topics he is more passionate about are creating awareness among the youths, pacific transformation of conflicts, decolonization of public monuments, storytelling, and inclusiveness for people living with disabilities.   


Aatir Rehan

Development Coordinator

Aatir Rehan graduated from the University of Winnipeg with a Business Administration degree. After 5 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Aatir decided to pursue a career in helping people understand human rights issues and their awareness, which brought him to the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties (MARL). As MARL’s Development Coordinator will be working on implementing a donor strategy and communicating with potential donors.

students & facilitators

MARL offers under-graduate and graduate students practicum placements to experience working in a non-profit sector while pursuing their Degree.


Precious Joi Gauthier

Precious is pursuing dual undergraduate degree in Biology and English with a minor in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications at the University of Winnipeg. Committed to social justice, she aspires to be a Writer, focusing on inclusivity and supporting marginalized communities. Through volunteering and family time, she prioritizes community engagement and self-care.
