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    Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties

    Change how you think about human rights

    youth demonstration

    who we are

    At MARL, we take an education-based approach to addressing the human rights issues in Manitoba and Canada. We are here to have open, honest, and at times, much-needed uncomfortable conversations to continue to bring awareness to human rights challenges in the Province of Manitoba and beyond. Our work involves workshops, community events, educational resources, and much more!



    MARL focuses strongly on youth empowerment through workshops and activities that measurably increase awareness of human rights and civil liberties.

    three people high-fiving

    Making a

    With the ultimate goal of societal shift, MARL influences government and public institutional policy changes to reflect and protect human rights in Manitoba.

    people avatars in circles connected by overlapping lines


    MARL facilitates dialogue about human rights and civil liberties to build an informed and engaged community.

    Book a Workshop!

    Bring a human rights workshop to your classroom or workplace.


    April 18, 2024

    From citizens to digital citizens  

    Social media provide an opportunity    to communicate in multiple ways,    just as never before in history.    Nonetheless, there are dangers and risks as well.    We should be aware of them to protect ourselves …

    April 18, 2024

    Des citoyens aux citoyens numériques  

    Les réseaux sociaux offrent la possibilité de communiquer de manières très diverses, comme jamais auparavant dans l’histoire. Néanmoins, ils comportent aussi des dangers et des risques. Il faut en être conscients pour nos …


    person standing behind a lectern


    Build your human rights and civil liberties literacy.

    silhouettes of people standing in a line


    Find resources and services in Winnipeg and Canada.

    empty weigh scales

    Legal Support

    Find legal support in the Winnipeg community.

    Let's Connect

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