Committees & Youth
Led Initiatives
MARL is working with a number of youth lead committees and groups to support activism through a number of different activities. Some of these committees are external groups that MARL is supporting, while others are created by MARL.
Our youth committees are for anyone between the ages of 16 to 30. Some committees have application and availability requirements. If you are interested in joining, please contact us to learn more.
Youth Led Committees
Vote16 Canada is a national youth-led campaign to empower Canada’s youth and give them the voice that they deserve. They are currently promoting two pieces of legislation to lower the national voting age: C-210 in the House of Commons and S-201 in the Senate. This summer, they are expanding their connections with grassroots organizations and launching several municipal efforts to push local governments to support Vote16.
Vote16 has been successfully achieved all around the world, including in Scotland, Germany, Belgium, Wales, Austria, Brazil, and nine US cities. So far, eight Canadian municipalities — including the Winnipeg School Division — have passed motions supporting lowering the voting age. As a result, it puts greater pressure on provincial and federal governments to take the issue seriously.
Youth members of Vote16 Canada have advocated for the cause in national and international forum events, media interviews, and have even had their work represented in both chambers of Parliament. The new opportunity for young Canadians to start their own local campaigns with the support of a national network has given youth even more opportunities to fight for change.
You can learn more at vote16.ca and @vote16canada
![indigenous advisory](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/indigenous.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
Indigenous Advisory Committee
The Indigenous Advisory Committee runs on an annual basis from August to March and is formed by Indigenous youth within the Winnipeg community. Members work together using their lived and/or professional experiences to create programming for youth within the community. In addition, MARL will guide members throughout the process by providing workshop facilitation and advocacy training, and resources for the project. This committee is for Indigenous youth 15-30 years of age, who are interested in spreading awareness about the experiences of Indigenous youth and children.
![Black, racialized, religious minority advisory](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/minority.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
Black, Racialized, and Religious Minority Committee
The Black, Racialized, and Religious Minority Committee runs on an annual basis from August to March. The committee serves as an arms-length advisory for MARL to tap into a diversity of perspectives and experiences. In addition, members will have opportunities to develop workshop facilitation skills, advocacy skills, and knowledge on different issues faced by Black, racialized, and religious minority individuals within Winnipeg.
The 2SLGBTQ+ Advisory Committee will meet quarterly to review workshop content and ensure they are up to date and current. They will ensure current issues are being addressed and appropriate language is being used in conjunction with the community. Additionally, we will focus on the Manitoban community and make sure the needs within the province are being addressed. Those who are part of the committee will also have the first opportunity to facilitate relevant workshops for MARL.
![ethics Cafe](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ethics-Cafe.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
Ethics Café
Throughout the year, MARL hosts a variety of Ethics Cafés. They provide an opportunity for critical dialogue on significant ethical issues faced by society and are open to anyone from the public to join. The virtual event is typically centred on 3 discussion questions and moderated by an expert on the issue. Participants join the main session and are later assigned into smaller breakout groups to discuss the question. Groups may be pre-assigned or randomly placed so folks can meet different people throughout the event. Finally, groups come together to share their insights and main discussion points, concluding with a final group discussion at the end of the Café. MARL has covered a variety of topics in the past including:
- Covid-19 and Racism
- Gender Equality in the 21st Century
- Ethical Issues In Social Activism
- Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change
- Journalism in the Russian invasion of Ukraine
![ethics across borders](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ethics_across_borders.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
Ethics Across Borders
Ethics Across Borders is a virtual ethics competition held by students in Canada, USA, and China. Students come together to discuss various ethical issues that pertain to each country, the commonalities and differences between each country, possible solutions to different ethical issues, amongst other questions. This is an opportunity to test your ethical dialogue and thinking skills, while meeting youth from different backgrounds.
![university ethics](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/university_ethics.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
University Ethics Committee
The University Ethics Committee is formed by university students interested in hosting an Ethics Cafe in their own educational institute. MARL provides guidance and resources throughout the planning and event. Committee members discuss ethics questions to be presented to participants and form judges for the competition.
![social issues](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/social_issues.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
Social Issues Committee
The project in this committee changes depending on youth interests. This committee will develop a social media campaign for the public and create a guide for educational institutions to promote advocacy and resources. By developing these materials, specifically focused on the Manitoba experience, students and community members can be instrumental in promoting services and programs. These materials will emphasize equal access to education and human rights.
The current project this committee is working on is period poverty. In Canada, 33% of young people (25 and younger) face financial challenges accessing menstrual products. In Manitoba, students are missing school because they cannot afford menstrual products. While many campaigns address poverty, Manitobans are at the intersection of menstruation and financial instability. We want to ensure that all individuals who menstruate have the education and accessibility to enjoy the right of life and liberty.
![has-white-fold-corner-image french advisory](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/french_advisory.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
French Advisory Committee
The French advisory committee works at the operational level to inform and guide MARL on how we can make our work more accessible to the Francophone community in Winnipeg and across Canada. The committee works to translate MARL workshops and resources to French and facilitate French workshops in Winnipeg communities, including French schools and French immersions.
![Making a difference](https://i0.wp.com/marl.mb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Making-a-difference.png?resize=250%2C242&ssl=1)
Interested in joining any of these committees? Contact us today!
Our youth committees are for anyone between the ages of 16 to 30. Some committees have application and availability requirements. If you are interested in joining, please contact us to learn more.
Committee Title
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Committee Title
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Committee Title
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