May 29, 2024
Lindsay and her commitment to Human Rights

Summer 2024
Lindsay is completing her 4-year Bachelor of Arts from the University of Winnipeg, majoring in Human Rights and minoring in Political Science. Her research has extensively focused on the intergenerational trauma of Indigenous peoples in Canada and reconciliation in government policy. During her education, Lindsay spent several years working as a team leader at various non-profit organizations, giving her hands-on leadership skills. She is committed to supporting marginalized communities and seeks more resources for those struggling with housing and addiction in Winnipeg. She plans to pursue a Master’s in Social Work or Public Administration. Her goal is to work within the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba.
After graduating high school in 2014, I went to the University of Winnipeg to study Criminal Justice. After a year, I felt uninspired and defeated. Instead of returning the following year, I took time off to work before returning to university to study Occupational Therapy in 2016. I signed up to take a human rights course as an elective without any intention of changing my major. However, this all changed after I had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Lloyd Kornelsen and Dr. Saad Khan. I had never had a teacher or professor inspire me and push me academically as they did. I immediately knew that a major in human rights was my right path.
Since then, I’ve researched, written, discussed, and debated what human rights mean. After studying the topic for years, I can honestly say there is no correct answer. Human rights differ amongst communities, cultures, countries, and continents. It is a complicated dialect of a global language, changing over time and from place to place.
Growing up, I didn’t understand the complicated concept of human rights. I heard of people struggling with addiction and saw people sleeping on the street because there was nowhere else to go. At the time, my public school education had convinced me that human rights violations only applied to people in developing countries. We never discussed the violations happening in our city. Once I got to university and began learning about the true history of Canada, the effects of colonialism, and the human rights issues within Winnipeg, I knew I wanted to play a part in changing that.
I chose a practicum with MARL for that very reason. The power of education can inspire people and help institute change. What I appreciate about MARL is that they make human rights education accessible and understandable for all ages and facilitate various workshops in schools and workplaces.
Human rights knowledge should not be ignored so quickly, and an education-based approach is the best way to get that message across to the greater public. It is up to all of us to know what is happening in our neighbourhoods, cities, and countries. Doing so can establish a solid foundation for change and improve our shared world.
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